This bank card was stolen, but shows that payments up to £30 can be made without any checks on identity of the person or the contactless payment card.

With modern hacking and cloning techniques this can easily be achieved without even losing your payment cards or them ever leaving your wallet/purse.

A MAN who managed to track down the teens he suspects stole his wallet by tracing their declined purchases is warning people about the risk of contactless cards.

Tony Milioti, 33 from Kempston, had his card stolen from McDonalds in Bedford on Monday, November 23, the day before his birthday, but could not get through to his bank to cancel all of his debit cards.

As it turned out, this enabled him to track the two young men suspected of pinching his card through their attempts to purchase items across Bedford.

Tony told BoS: “The next day I got a text from Santander asking if a number of purchases that had been made on the card were mine, so I replied no, and they told me the card had been blocked.

“I was happy to receive the text, but it made me wonder where the previous purchases were so I tracked them down and went to see if I could find out who stole my cards.”

He went to a newsagents in Greyfriars and requested to see the CCTV footage of the attempted purchase, which he was given permission to do, and downloaded the footage to his phone.

With this he went to the police and was told they would investigate it, which he was happy with, but he later received a text from Barclays bank telling him purchases had been made on another of his cards in an Indian restaurant and a Londis store.


Tony said: “A lot of people don’t realise just how easy it is for this to happen, especially older people.

“I want everyone out there to realise that they are at risk through this, as even though there are spend and daily card limits, this can mount up to a lot.


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